The Ultimate Virtual Event for Product Managers

Product Coffee Group (PCG) conducts virtual event for Product Managers, known as “Coffee sessions,” with the aim of simplifying product learning. These events are designed for product managers seeking to expand their knowledge and skills in the field. PCG invites top product professionals from various domains as guest speakers for the coffee sessions. Over 1000 people have attended these events so far, and they are entirely free for everyone to attend. Join PCG’s Coffee sessions to enhance your understanding of product management and gain valuable insights from industry leaders.

AMA sessions

Product Masterclass

Product thinking sessions

And much more !!!

Past Virtual Event for Product Managers

Virtual Event for Product Managers

“Technical knowledge when working with developers

Event Date:

March 8th, 8 PM(IST), YT Live

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picture about product event with Monica Jasuja
picture about product event with Paritosh Agarwal
picture about product coffee session with Ashish Sood
picture about coffee session with shalini dinesh
picture about coffee session with product professionals
picture about coffee session with product professionals