image about Product marketing manager responsibilities

Airbnb adopts Product Marketing Function: Tech Simplified

Airbnb is a global online marketplace that connects travelers with unique accommodations and experiences. Founded in 2008, Airbnb offers a wide range of lodging options, including apartments, houses, and even castles, allowing guests to immerse themselves in local communities. With its innovative platform, Airbnb has revolutionized the way people travel, enabling individuals to monetize their extra space and providing travelers with personalized and authentic travel experiences. Brian Chesky, the founder of Airbnb, has stated that Airbnb has now transformed the product management function into product marketing function, similar to the way Apple has done it. In this article lets look at the potential advantages and challenges of doing this along with the responsibilities of a Product Marketing Manager.


  1. Clear focus on marketing: By rebranding the function as product marketing, Airbnb may emphasize the importance of marketing expertise and strategies in driving the success of their products. This can create a dedicated team focused on developing effective marketing campaigns, messaging, and go-to-market strategies.
  2. Enhanced market and customer understanding: Product marketing often involves conducting market research, competitive analysis, and understanding customer needs and preferences. By aligning the function with product marketing, Airbnb can emphasize the importance of staying attuned to the market trends, customer insights, and the competitive landscape.
  3. Streamlined collaboration: Rebranding the function can create stronger alignment and collaboration between product management and marketing teams. It can foster a closer working relationship between these two functions, ensuring that product decisions are informed by marketing considerations, and marketing strategies are grounded in a deep understanding of the product.


  1. Role clarity and overlap: Rebranding can create potential overlap and confusion in roles and responsibilities, particularly if there were distinct functions and expertise associated with product management. Clear communication and defining the new role expectations are crucial to ensure that the product marketing function effectively complements other functions within the organization.
  2. Holistic product ownership: With the shift to product marketing, there is a risk of losing the end-to-end product ownership and strategic decision-making that product management often entails. It is important to ensure that the rebranded function maintains a holistic view of the product lifecycle and works closely with other teams to drive product success.
  3. Skill set requirements: Product marketing and product management require different skill sets and expertise. It is essential to assess whether the individuals in the rebranded function possess the necessary marketing skills, including market analysis, messaging, and go-to-market strategies, to effectively carry out their responsibilities.

Ultimately, whether rebranding the product management function into product marketing is a good decision for Airbnb depends on their specific organizational context, goals, and strategy. It is important for the company to carefully evaluate the potential benefits and challenges, communicate the changes clearly, and ensure that the rebranded function aligns with their overall business objectives.

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Now lets look at the responsibilities of a product marketing manager. These points have been collated after looking at the job description for the same role at Apple. Lets dig in.

A Product Marketing Manager plays a vital role in driving the success of products by effectively promoting and positioning them in the market. With a deep understanding of customer needs and market dynamics, they develop comprehensive strategies to maximize product adoption, revenue, and customer satisfaction. This product byte will explore the key responsibilities of a Product Marketing Manager, citing examples from Apple, a company renowned for its innovative products and effective marketing strategies.

Responsibilities of a Product Marketing Manager

  1. Market Analysis: One of the core responsibilities of a Product Marketing Manager is conducting thorough market analysis to gain insights into customer preferences, market trends, and competitive landscape. At Apple, Product Marketing Managers extensively research market dynamics to inform product positioning and marketing strategies. For example, before launching the Apple Watch, the team conducted in-depth market research to identify customer needs, assess the competitive landscape, and determine the optimal target audience.
  2. Product Positioning: Developing a compelling product positioning strategy is crucial for effectively differentiating a product from competitors. Product Marketing Managers at Apple excel at this task, as demonstrated by the positioning of the iPhone. Apple positioned the iPhone as a revolutionary device that combined a mobile phone, music player, and internet communicator in one sleek package. This unique positioning helped Apple establish the iPhone as a game-changing product in the mobile industry.
  3. Marketing Campaigns: Product Marketing Managers at Apple are responsible for developing and executing impactful marketing campaigns. They collaborate with cross-functional teams to create integrated campaigns that generate awareness and drive product adoption. A notable example is the “Shot on iPhone” campaign, where Apple showcased stunning photographs taken by iPhone users worldwide. This campaign effectively demonstrated the iPhone’s camera capabilities, fostering a strong emotional connection with customers.
  4. Sales Enablement: To support the sales team, Product Marketing Managers at Apple create sales tools, training materials, and collateral that enable effective product communication. For instance, when Apple introduced the iPad Pro, Product Marketing Managers developed comprehensive sales training programs to educate Apple Store employees on the device’s features and benefits. This enabled the sales team to effectively showcase the iPad Pro’s capabilities to potential customers.
  5. Demand Generation: Driving awareness and demand for products is a critical responsibility of Product Marketing Managers. Apple excels in this area through its strategic demand generation efforts. For example, when launching the Apple Watch, Apple leveraged digital and traditional marketing channels to create buzz and generate interest. This included targeted online advertising, high-profile media coverage, and partnerships with fashion influencers to position the Apple Watch as a stylish and must-have accessory.
  6. Content Development: Crafting compelling product content is another key responsibility of a Product Marketing Manager. Apple excels in this aspect, with its product descriptions, website content, and promotional materials consistently delivering impactful messages. For instance, when introducing the MacBook Air, Apple highlighted its thin and lightweight design, long battery life, and powerful performance to appeal to consumers seeking portability and productivity.
  7. Market, Customer, and Competitive Analysis: Product Marketing Managers need to stay updated on market trends, customer preferences, and competitor activities. At Apple, these managers serve as authorities on these aspects. They closely monitor industry trends, customer feedback, and competitor strategies to inform product decisions and marketing strategies. This ongoing analysis ensures that Apple’s products meet evolving customer needs and stay ahead of the competition.
  8. Evangelism: As brand ambassadors, Product Marketing Managers often serve as spokespersons and product experts. At Apple, they are instrumental in showcasing the company’s vision and product innovations. For example, during Apple’s keynote events, Product Marketing Managers passionately present new products, highlighting their features, benefits, and the ways they enhance the Apple ecosystem. This evangelism reinforces Apple’s brand image and establishes credibility with customers.

Product Marketing Managers at Apple shoulder diverse responsibilities to ensure the success of the company’s products. They conduct market analysis, position products effectively, develop comprehensive marketing campaigns, enable sales teams, generate demand, create compelling content, analyze market trends, and act as evangelists. Through their strategic efforts, Apple has successfully positioned its products as revolutionary and indispensable in the technology industry. The examples provided illustrate how Apple’s Product Marketing Managers excel in fulfilling their responsibilities and contribute to the company’s ongoing success.


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